昨天我给伦敦的朋友做了关于健康的演讲。我希望唤起大家对于健康的重视。演讲中提到:关于基因和衰老的研究。一个每年花2百万美元试验健康策略的人。一些关于健康的阴谋论 - 一些未被论证的潜在危险。一些健康生活的技巧。PDF:What we talk about when we talk about health.pdfDownload PDF • 3.39MBGoogle Drive:docs.google.comWhat we talk about when we talk about healthWhat we talk about when we talk about health Science, experiments, conspiracy theories and remedies IRL cy After talk edit: Don’t take the risk. You’re not the chosen one. 40% of the population will eventually get cancer. You should expect your 60s like the 40s in 2020s. You will be wealthy and p...